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Ashizawa, LLC was founded in 2019 and is based in Houston, Texas. Ashizawa, LLC provides public and private entities with a variety of solutions to assist clients with their operational and organizational needs. Our firm has diverse competencies that offer specialized services in Compliance, Performance Assessments, Project Management, Business-Government Advising and International Relations.



  • Compliance

    • Due Diligence / Know Your Customer

      • A long-time practice of the financial industry, due diligence and Know Your Customer inquiries are also becoming common place between commodities trading firms and other industries. The necessity to respond to and seek reciprocal information requests is cumbersome and time consuming. Ashizawa, LLC has efficient and risk-mitigating solutions to help you manage counterparty information without distracting you from your daily operations.

    • Risk Assessments

      • We all want to do the right thing, and we expect our employees to also. The reality is that risk is all around us, and sometimes inadvertent risks cause us the most harm. From fraud and corruption to operational and reputational risk, Ashizawa, LLC can help your organization assess and combat lurking risks.

    • Policies & Procedures

      • Policies and procedures are not a one-size-fits-all product. Every organization is unique, and so are its expectations. Moreover, the law calls for different requirements depending upon the type and size of an organization. It is important that your organization maintains policies and procedures that both help you comply with laws and regulations, and fit your unique firm culture.

    • Employee Training

      • You are only as good as your people. Let’s face it…nobody knows it all and everyone needs training. Ashizawa, LLC has an approach to train your people on matters like professionalism in the workplace, leadership development, organizational behavior, and implementing expectations and legal requirements. Teams thrive when every player know what is expected, where they are going, and what it is going to take to get there.

  • Performance Assessment

    • Program Evaluations

      • Program evaluations gauge the effectiveness of an endeavor to determine if it is meeting the objectives for which it was developed. This type of evaluation requires systematic examination of your entity’s performance and efficiency. Ashizawa, LLC has the ability to quickly understand even the most complex objectives, the programs intended to meet those objectives, and the analysis that must take place to assess success and suggest improvements. We know you hold your organization accountable for its programs, so shouldn’t you have an expert help your programs become as successful as possible?

    • Statistical and Quantitative Analysis

      • Are you a numbers person? Maybe not, but somebody who is looking at your organization’s abilities is more likely to rely on quantitative assessment over generic claims. Ashizawa, LLC provides a unique approach to ascribing metrics to your successes.

    • Benchmarking

      • Whether you are a public or a private organization, there is always a comparative analysis happening. Ashizawa, LLC can aid your organization in internal, competitive, functional, and generic benchmarking. If you are ever going to know where you are going tomorrow, it is vital to know where you stand today.

    • Key Performance Indicators

      • Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are measurements use to gauge your organizations long term performance. While financial indicators are certainly important, Ashizawa, LLC focuses on KPIs within your organization like employee retention, customer or user experience, reputation, cycle time, and operations.

  • Project Management

    • Project Processes

      • From construction to non-profit organization programs, all projects must be effectively managed if they are to be successful. Ashizawa, LLC helps initiate, plan, execute, monitor, control, and close even the most complex projects.

    • Sub-Contracting

      • When you seek to outsource part of the obligations or tasks under a contract to another party there are many hurdles to overcome. You will likely be responsible and liable for the work these subcontractors perform for you. Ashizawa, LLC can help you find and evaluate potential subcontractors, as well as hire, manage, mitigate risks from, and assess your preferred third parties.

    • Stakeholder Management

      • Projects have a defined beginning and end, but between those two points stakeholders want to know what to expect. Keeping your stakeholders happy during times of adversity is particularly important, but one of the hardest things you will ever have to face in your organization. Ashizawa, LLC can either directly engage with your stakeholders on your behalf, or guide you in your approach to stakeholder communications. Your communication with your stakeholders in the key to your success; invest in it.

  • Business-Government Advising

    • Lobbyist Liaising

      • Not every organization wants to directly hire a lobbyist; sometimes you just want to be in the know or deliver important industry information to politicians or administrative agencies. Ashizawa, LLC can communicate with lobbyists and politicians on local, state, federal, and international issues affecting your organization so you don’t have to stick your neck out.

    • Policy Research

      • It is important to be aware of law and policy impacting your organization. However, government policies in place are not always the best for the public, or for your organization. However, data is needed to identify and demonstrate problems, and to offer solutions-based policy proposals. Ashizawa, LLC stands ready to gather, analyze, and present data to support policy change, or simply to keep your organization informed.

    • Public Private Partnerships

      • It can be a win-win-win for the public and the project partners when businesses and governments team up on major endeavors. Many times those project partners struggle initiating and executing opportunities. From funding to frameworks to key phases, Ashizawa, LLC can help these players understand the ins and outs of public-private-partnership.  

  • International Relations

    • Global Market Entry

      • Whether you are coming to the US from abroad, or you are looking to expand from the US to other regions of the world, you need a plan. Often times organizations get stuck in analysis paralysis over simple matters, but fail to adequately account for deceptively simple nuances. The worst thing an organization can do is simply delivery a carbon copy of your product to the global market. Ashizawa, LLC is your go-to resource to understand the culturally sensitivities and business savvy needed to make your mark on the world. We have a specialty in US-Japan markets, but abilities and resources in any world region.

    • Strategic Introductions

      • Have you ever heard, “It’s not what you know; it’s who you know.” We think it is both. Whether embarking on an oil and gas project in Nigeria, rebuilding the electricity grid in Puerto Rico, maintaining data privacy in China, or bringing more foreign direct investment into your region, we can help.  With close relationships with subject matter experts, and government and business leaders on six continents, Ashizawa, LLC can help you overcome challenges in meeting your international goals.

    • Women’s Empowerment

      • The United Nations has it right when they say, “When more women work, economies grow.” We believe that boosting women’s opportunities not just domestically, but especially globally is all of our duty.  Regardless of if you are a public or a private entity, Ashizawa, LLC can help you find ways to fuel your goals while also giving more women the power they need to flourish.

  • Supply Chain Services

    • Supplier Evaluations & Relations

      • Supplier evaluations are critical to ensure your final product is as valuable  as possible. You need timely, stable, economical, lasting suppliers, but they can be hard to find and keep. Ashizawa, LLC can assist you in accessing new or existing suppliers on their delivery, price, production, and quality of management and services; as well as keeping your suppliers accountable to you.

    • Supply Chain Planning

      • You know where you are going to make, but what’s your detailed plan on how to make it? Ashizawa, LLC can help you formulate a plan or strategy to source raw materials and services, efficiently manufacture products, deliver products to local/domestic/international markets, and prepare for growth and scalability in the future.



Ashizawa, LLC offers a range of innovative solutions to help solve complex industry challenges. We take a calculated approach to help design, deliver, and manage savvy solutions that help private and public entities improve their operational and organizational needs. In a rapidly changing technology environment, businesses are looking for creative methodologies to optimize access to their services and products. Ashizawa, LLC can help manage and solve your challenges by helping you gain an accurate picture of the forces affecting your organization. Whether you are an energy or financial corporation looking to preserve resources when faced with KYC or due diligence requests, a school district assessing performance optimization, or a small business determined to improve customer engagement, Ashizawa, LLC  has the resources to help you reach your goals. You can trust Ashizawa, LLC to bring the most-relevant and efficient solutions to help our partners sustainably grow any endeavor in any industry.


  • Energy

  • Education

  • Governments

  • Non-Profit Organizations

  • Construction

  • Infrastructure





Kei Ashizawa is the Founder of Ashizawa, LLC, which was formed on July 4, 2019 in Houston, Texas. An attorney since 2010, Kei has experience providing various services to Fortune 100 corporations, startups, individuals, governments, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations. She has first-hand experience serving and studying at some of the world’s most prestigious organizations. She has wholeheartedly served her community through activities like volunteering at non-profit organizations and girls’ lacrosse coaching. After graduating from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government in 2017, and gaining deeper knowledge of leadership, decision science, management, infrastructure, and business-government relations, Kei’s pursuit of holistic solutions for her clients grew. Ashizawa, LLC endeavors to grow opportunities for its clients by bringing Kei’s diverse knowledge, experience, resources, and connections to them.   

Ashizawa, LLC

Kei M. Ashizawa 
Attorney at Law

+1 (713) 594-8720

P.O. Box 25230
Houston, Texas 77265

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©2019 Ashizawa, LLC by Kei M. Ashizawa, Attorney at Law.

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